St. Sebastian Novena

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Novena Starts: January 11th
Feastday: January 20th
Patron saint of soldiers, archers, athletes, difficult trials, and those who desire a holy death

St. Sebastian, a revered figure in early Christian history, emerged as a symbol of unwavering faith and resilience in adversity.

Widely venerated as a saint and martyr, his story is marked by a remarkable episode where he defied a seemingly fatal fate. Initially subjected to being tied to a post or tree and shot with arrows, Sebastian not only withstood this ordeal but also became an enduring symbol of spiritual endurance and divine intervention.

His life and legacy continue to inspire generations, reflecting the enduring strength of faith amid persecution.

Novena to Saint Sebastian – Day 1

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.


Intro Prayer

Glorious Sebastian, I turn to you, not just as a martyr and saint, but as a source of strength and courage during my tough times. Your unshakeable faith, enduring even amidst a barrage of arrows, is an inspiration.

Your faith grew stronger with each challenge, much like the way I hope to face my own difficulties. I ask for your intercession, especially for those grappling with the toll of diseases and the devastating impact of war, which has claimed too many lives.

May your intercession be a beacon of hope for those facing adversity, just as you triumphed over trials that aimed to break your spirit.

(Mention your personal intentions here.)

Daily Prayer

St. Sebastian, even though the beginning of your life and the reasons you joined the Roman army are a bit of a mystery, your dedication as a soldier protecting persecuted Christians is well-known.

I ask for your prayers, that I may always be mindful of the struggles faced by those around me. Please pray that I’m eager and ready to serve God in whatever way I can.

Say 3: Our Father… Say 3: Hail Mary… Say 3: Glory Be…

Say: Litany of St. Sebastian

Concluding Prayer

Merciful Father, may the glorious intercession of Your blessed martyr Saint Sebastian be our protection. Bless our soldiers, placed under Your protection, that they may protect and serve our country with honor. And may You grant all that we ask for in these days of prayer, according to your will, through our Lord Jesus Christ your Son, who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen.

St. Sebastian, pray for us.

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.


Novena to Saint Sebastian – Day 2

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.


Intro Prayer

Glorious Sebastian, I turn to you, not just as a martyr and saint, but as a source of strength and courage during my tough times. Your unshakeable faith, enduring even amidst a barrage of arrows, is an inspiration.

Your faith grew stronger with each challenge, much like the way I hope to face my own difficulties. I ask for your intercession, especially for those grappling with the toll of diseases and the devastating impact of war, which has claimed too many lives.

May your intercession be a beacon of hope for those facing adversity, just as you triumphed over trials that aimed to break your spirit.

(Mention your personal intentions here.)

Daily Prayer

St. Sebastian, you witnessed the suffering and persecution of Christians, and despite the risks, you actively supported and protected them as a Roman soldier.

I implore your prayers, asking that I never let hardships deter me from serving God. Please pray for my faith to be as steadfast as yours was.

Say 3: Our Father… Say 3: Hail Mary… Say 3: Glory Be…

Say: Litany of St. Sebastian

Concluding Prayer

Merciful Father, may the glorious intercession of Your blessed martyr Saint Sebastian be our protection. Bless our soldiers, placed under Your protection, that they may protect and serve our country with honor. And may You grant all that we ask for in these days of prayer, according to your will, through our Lord Jesus Christ your Son, who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen.

St. Sebastian, pray for us.

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.


Novena to Saint Sebastian – Day 3

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.


Intro Prayer

Glorious Sebastian, I turn to you, not just as a martyr and saint, but as a source of strength and courage during my tough times. Your unshakeable faith, enduring even amidst a barrage of arrows, is an inspiration.

Your faith grew stronger with each challenge, much like the way I hope to face my own difficulties. I ask for your intercession, especially for those grappling with the toll of diseases and the devastating impact of war, which has claimed too many lives.

May your intercession be a beacon of hope for those facing adversity, just as you triumphed over trials that aimed to break your spirit.

(Mention your personal intentions here.)

Daily Prayer

St. Sebastian, you were well aware that your commitment to the Christian Faith could lead to torture and death. Despite this, you remained devoted to God, actively seeking to inspire others to embrace Christianity.

Your compassionate efforts included assisting the parents of captured Christian deacons in converting to Christianity. You played a crucial role in guiding many others on their spiritual journey, ultimately facing martyrdom for your sacred mission.

I humbly ask for your prayers, St. Sebastian, that I may continually strive to lead others towards conversion. Please pray that I never waver in sharing the teachings of the Gospel with those in my midst.

Say 3: Our Father… Say 3: Hail Mary… Say 3: Glory Be…

Say: Litany of St. Sebastian

Concluding Prayer

Merciful Father, may the glorious intercession of Your blessed martyr Saint Sebastian be our protection. Bless our soldiers, placed under Your protection, that they may protect and serve our country with honor. And may You grant all that we ask for in these days of prayer, according to your will, through our Lord Jesus Christ your Son, who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen.

St. Sebastian, pray for us.

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.


Novena to Saint Sebastian – Day 4

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.


Intro Prayer

Glorious Sebastian, I turn to you, not just as a martyr and saint, but as a source of strength and courage during my tough times. Your unshakeable faith, enduring even amidst a barrage of arrows, is an inspiration.

Your faith grew stronger with each challenge, much like the way I hope to face my own difficulties. I ask for your intercession, especially for those grappling with the toll of diseases and the devastating impact of war, which has claimed too many lives.

May your intercession be a beacon of hope for those facing adversity, just as you triumphed over trials that aimed to break your spirit.

(Mention your personal intentions here.)

Daily Prayer

St. Sebastian, you faced a society where Christians were subjected to torture and death for their faith. Despite the looming threat of immense suffering, you displayed remarkable courage in choosing to serve God.

During your tenure as a Roman soldier, you tirelessly assisted persecuted Christians, boldly spreading the teachings of the Gospel. Your unwavering commitment to your faith, even in the face of severe suffering, serves as an inspiring example.

I humbly request your prayers, St. Sebastian, that I may emulate your courage in practicing my faith. Please pray that I never let the fear of suffering deter me from wholeheartedly serving God.

Say 3: Our Father… Say 3: Hail Mary… Say 3: Glory Be…

Say: Litany of St. Sebastian

Concluding Prayer

Merciful Father, may the glorious intercession of Your blessed martyr Saint Sebastian be our protection. Bless our soldiers, placed under Your protection, that they may protect and serve our country with honor. And may You grant all that we ask for in these days of prayer, according to your will, through our Lord Jesus Christ your Son, who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen.

St. Sebastian, pray for us.

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.


Novena to Saint Sebastian – Day 5

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.


Intro Prayer

Glorious Sebastian, I turn to you, not just as a martyr and saint, but as a source of strength and courage during my tough times. Your unshakeable faith, enduring even amidst a barrage of arrows, is an inspiration.

Your faith grew stronger with each challenge, much like the way I hope to face my own difficulties. I ask for your intercession, especially for those grappling with the toll of diseases and the devastating impact of war, which has claimed too many lives.

May your intercession be a beacon of hope for those facing adversity, just as you triumphed over trials that aimed to break your spirit.

(Mention your personal intentions here.)

Daily Prayer

St. Sebastian, as a Roman soldier, you witnessed the persecution of numerous Christians for their faith. Despite the grave risk to your own life, you fearlessly preached the Gospel fueled by your profound love for God.

Your dedication led to the conversion of many, and it ultimately resulted in your own tragic death. You sacrificed your life in service to God.

I humbly seek your intercession, St. Sebastian, that I may consistently strive to share the Good News with others. Pray that I remain steadfast in my commitment to God, undeterred by the challenges and sufferings that may come my way.

Say 3: Our Father… Say 3: Hail Mary… Say 3: Glory Be…

Say: Litany of St. Sebastian

Concluding Prayer

Merciful Father, may the glorious intercession of Your blessed martyr Saint Sebastian be our protection. Bless our soldiers, placed under Your protection, that they may protect and serve our country with honor. And may You grant all that we ask for in these days of prayer, according to your will, through our Lord Jesus Christ your Son, who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen.

St. Sebastian, pray for us.

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.


Novena to Saint Sebastian – Day 6

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.


Intro Prayer

Glorious Sebastian, I turn to you, not just as a martyr and saint, but as a source of strength and courage during my tough times. Your unshakeable faith, enduring even amidst a barrage of arrows, is an inspiration.

Your faith grew stronger with each challenge, much like the way I hope to face my own difficulties. I ask for your intercession, especially for those grappling with the toll of diseases and the devastating impact of war, which has claimed too many lives.

May your intercession be a beacon of hope for those facing adversity, just as you triumphed over trials that aimed to break your spirit.

(Mention your personal intentions here.)

Daily Prayer

St. Sebastian, your unwavering commitment to your Christian Faith led to your death sentence. Despite the option to save your life by renouncing your beliefs, you steadfastly refused, driven by your deep love for God.

Tied up and shot with arrows, you miraculously survived, only to willingly return and confront the emperor. Choosing to admonish him for his wicked actions, you knowingly embraced further suffering and death.

I humbly ask for your prayers, St. Sebastian, that I may always possess the strength to do what is right, even in the face of extreme difficulty. Pray that I may remain faithful in all aspects of my life.

Say 3: Our Father… Say 3: Hail Mary… Say 3: Glory Be…

Say: Litany of St. Sebastian

Concluding Prayer

Merciful Father, may the glorious intercession of Your blessed martyr Saint Sebastian be our protection. Bless our soldiers, placed under Your protection, that they may protect and serve our country with honor. And may You grant all that we ask for in these days of prayer, according to your will, through our Lord Jesus Christ your Son, who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen.

St. Sebastian, pray for us.

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.


Novena to Saint Sebastian – Day 7

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.


Intro Prayer

Glorious Sebastian, I turn to you, not just as a martyr and saint, but as a source of strength and courage during my tough times. Your unshakeable faith, enduring even amidst a barrage of arrows, is an inspiration.

Your faith grew stronger with each challenge, much like the way I hope to face my own difficulties. I ask for your intercession, especially for those grappling with the toll of diseases and the devastating impact of war, which has claimed too many lives.

May your intercession be a beacon of hope for those facing adversity, just as you triumphed over trials that aimed to break your spirit.

(Mention your personal intentions here.)

Daily Prayer

St. Sebastian, as a Roman soldier, you leveraged your position to aid persecuted Christians, offering them support in every way possible.

Following the unsuccessful attempt on your life, you had the option to seek refuge and safety in hiding. However, you opted to bravely confront the emperor, openly challenging his unjust actions against Christians.

I humbly seek your prayers, St. Sebastian, that I may never shy away from standing against evil in our present world. Pray that I may embody the same courage you displayed in boldly confronting wrongdoing.

Say 3: Our Father… Say 3: Hail Mary… Say 3: Glory Be…

Say: Litany of St. Sebastian

Concluding Prayer

Merciful Father, may the glorious intercession of Your blessed martyr Saint Sebastian be our protection. Bless our soldiers, placed under Your protection, that they may protect and serve our country with honor. And may You grant all that we ask for in these days of prayer, according to your will, through our Lord Jesus Christ your Son, who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen.

St. Sebastian, pray for us.

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.


Novena to Saint Sebastian – Day 8

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.


Intro Prayer

Glorious Sebastian, I turn to you, not just as a martyr and saint, but as a source of strength and courage during my tough times. Your unshakeable faith, enduring even amidst a barrage of arrows, is an inspiration.

Your faith grew stronger with each challenge, much like the way I hope to face my own difficulties. I ask for your intercession, especially for those grappling with the toll of diseases and the devastating impact of war, which has claimed too many lives.

May your intercession be a beacon of hope for those facing adversity, just as you triumphed over trials that aimed to break your spirit.

(Mention your personal intentions here.)

Daily Prayer

St. Sebastian, your Christian Faith was revealed through your sacred efforts in converting others. Despite the opportunity to save your life by renouncing your beliefs, you remained steadfast in your faith.

Facing a death sentence for your commitment to Christianity, you miraculously survived being shot with arrows. Yet, you chose not to evade death but instead bravely confronted the evil emperor, embracing your martyrdom with courage.

I humbly request your prayers, St. Sebastian, that I may always endure in my faith, regardless of the challenges. Pray that I never allow any hardships to hinder me from wholeheartedly serving God.

Say 3: Our Father… Say 3: Hail Mary… Say 3: Glory Be…

Say: Litany of St. Sebastian

Concluding Prayer

Merciful Father, may the glorious intercession of Your blessed martyr Saint Sebastian be our protection. Bless our soldiers, placed under Your protection, that they may protect and serve our country with honor. And may You grant all that we ask for in these days of prayer, according to your will, through our Lord Jesus Christ your Son, who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen.

St. Sebastian, pray for us.

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.


Novena to Saint Sebastian – Day 9

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.


Intro Prayer

Glorious Sebastian, I turn to you, not just as a martyr and saint, but as a source of strength and courage during my tough times. Your unshakeable faith, enduring even amidst a barrage of arrows, is an inspiration.

Your faith grew stronger with each challenge, much like the way I hope to face my own difficulties. I ask for your intercession, especially for those grappling with the toll of diseases and the devastating impact of war, which has claimed too many lives.

May your intercession be a beacon of hope for those facing adversity, just as you triumphed over trials that aimed to break your spirit.

(Mention your personal intentions here.)

Daily Prayer

St. Sebastian, while your early life remains shrouded in mystery, your unwavering commitment to Christianity from a young age is a testament to your deep faith. Even in the face of the imminent threats of torture and death, you held steadfastly to your beliefs.

During your tenure as a Roman soldier, you dedicated yourself to aiding imprisoned Christians. When authorities discovered your own faith, you persevered and made the ultimate sacrifice for God and His Church.

I humbly ask for your prayers, St. Sebastian, that I may consistently serve God and His Church with unwavering devotion. Pray that I never tire of dedicating myself wholeheartedly to the service of God.

Say 3: Our Father… Say 3: Hail Mary… Say 3: Glory Be…

Say: Litany of St. Sebastian

Concluding Prayer

Merciful Father, may the glorious intercession of Your blessed martyr Saint Sebastian be our protection. Bless our soldiers, placed under Your protection, that they may protect and serve our country with honor. And may You grant all that we ask for in these days of prayer, according to your will, through our Lord Jesus Christ your Son, who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen.

St. Sebastian, pray for us.

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.


The Litany of St. Sebastian

Lord, have mercy on us! Lord, have mercy on us!
Christ, have mercy on us! Christ, have mercy on us!
Lord, have mercy on us! Lord, have mercy on us!
Christ hear us! Christ, graciously hear us!
God, the Father of heaven, Have mercy on us!
God, the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy on us!
God, the Holy Spirit, have mercy on us!
Holy Trinity, one God, have mercy on us!
Holy Mary, Queen of Martyrs. Pray for us.
Saint Sebastian. Pray for us.
Invincible Martyr. Pray for us.
Glorious warrior and martyr of Christ. Pray for us.
Consoler of the afflicted. Pray for us.
Saint Sebastian, perfect in virtue and wisdom. Pray for us.
St. Sebastian, servant of God and of his brothers and sisters. Pray for us.
St. Sebastian, who encouraged the doubting to persevere to the end. Pray for us.
St. Sebastian, surrounded by celestial light. Pray for us.
St. Sebastian, instructed by the holy Angels. Pray for us.
St. Sebastian, who for defending the truth was wounded by arrows. Pray for us.
St. Sebastian, who was put to death with clubs. Pray for us.
St. Sebastian, who was crowned with eternal glory. Pray for us.
St. Sebastian, great intercessor for us with God. Pray for us.
Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world: Spare us, O Lord!
Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world: Graciously hear us, O Lord!
Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world: Have mercy on us, O Lord!
Christ, hear us! Christ, hear us!
Christ, graciously hear us! Christ, graciously hear us!

main image photo credit: © Xcia0069

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