Prayer to Our Lady of Fatima

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Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary
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Prayer to Our Lady of Fatima

O Most Blessed Virgin Mary, Our Lady of Fatima, we come before you with hearts full of gratitude and love as we honor your appearances to the three shepherd children at Fatima. You brought a message of hope, peace, and conversion, calling us to turn our hearts toward God and to trust in His divine mercy.

O loving Mother, you urged the world to pray the Rosary for peace and for the salvation of souls. Help us to heed your call with faith and devotion, trusting in the power of prayer to bring peace to our hearts, our families, and the world. Guide us to be faithful in our prayers, especially the Rosary, and to offer them for the conversion of sinners and the triumph of your Immaculate Heart.

Our Lady of Fatima, you showed the children the reality of heaven, hell, and purgatory, reminding us of the importance of living lives of holiness and repentance. Through your intercession, grant us the grace of true conversion, that we may turn away from sin and grow in love for God. Help us to live our lives in accordance with His will, always seeking to do good and to spread His love.

Blessed Mother, you appeared to the world as a shining beacon of hope, inviting us to draw closer to your Son, Jesus Christ. Help us to follow your example of humility, faith, and love. Lead us always to the Sacred Heart of your Son, that we may know the depth of His mercy and love for us.

Heavenly Father, we thank You for the gift of Our Lady of Fatima, who continually points us to Jesus. Through her powerful intercession, may we be granted the grace to grow in holiness, to live lives of prayer and sacrifice, and to work tirelessly for peace in our world. We ask this through Jesus Christ, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever.


Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!

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